Sun breaks out from behind clouds, with hill in the background and somone on their knees in the foreground

AAR: The Road to the Last Serai

This continues a long-form campaign, Zen and the Art of Caravan Maintenance.

Emmett, Joshua are now cattle ranchers, seeking a quiet change in career for various reasons. They’re driving buggalo from Emerald City to the Porcelain Citadel. Specifically between Potsherd Crater to the Last Serai, a wretched hive of scum and villany.

They probably won’t be cautious.

Fancy drinking pitchers, goblets, tankards, on a table with some masks and a bag of coins.

AAR: Zen and the Art of Fishing for Treasure

This continues a long-form campaign, Zen and the Art of Caravan Maintenance.

Emmett, Joshua are now cattle ranchers, seeking a quiet change in career for various reasons. They’re driving buggalo from Emerald City to the Porcelain Citadel. Currently they’re on top of a mysterious shiny dome in the desert, trying to get to the delicious1 treasure inside

Week 2: Death

The theme for the second week is Death. I resisted going with DEATH!!, and went for something more normal. Well, more or less…


Anyway I decided a mine full of the undead would be good. In the Evils of Illmire the players shied away from the mine when they got freaked out by some lights on in the abandoned village. So I guess I’m playing that in my own treehouse, with blackjack, etc.

It also gave me an excuse to draw minecarts and rails!

Map of a dungeon in a barrow

Week 1: Ancient

The theme for the first week is Ancient. I decided this would be a long barrow, as I was going to default to “temple” (which this still sort-of is). This uses the OSE entries for monsters (& treasure).

The many gears and escapement of a watch or round clock

Ultra Violet Hack

I want to run Luka Rejec’s Ultraviolent Grasslands setting, but I thought it would be a laugh to try The Black Hack, as I also wanted to try that engine. I don’t really have a good reason1, beyond having bought both. And liking both!

I’m a sucker for a pointcrawl that one can wander around, ever since Elite. You had a little ship, a map, and off you go to make some money. Luka’s setting is on the ground, and more sciencefantasy, to borrow Troika!’s term. But it’s scratching that itch.

Screenshot of the original Elite 1. 8 colours, 320 by 240 pixels. A rotating outline of a cube is your destination
The good old days

The Black Hack is me experimenting with a game engine that is simpler than 5e, and more complex than Into The Odd or Stay Frosty. It’s also another beautiful book. The engine removes stat bonuses in favour of having players roll under their base stats. Enemy attacks are also rolled by players, as defensive rolls, rather than the GM doing it. The GM still chooses the actions of the enemy combatants, though.


Starting Dungeon23

Yes, I’m going to join in with Sean McCoy’s Dungeon23 concept. For those that missed it, a reminder:

“Megadungeon for 2023. 12 levels. 365 rooms. One room a day. Keep it all in a journal.” Sean McCoy

Unlike the people who have started in earnest a week ago, I’m going to spend the rest of December 2022 deciding how I’m going to do this. And I’ve still not worked it out yet. I’m very keen to pick something as easy as possible in the hope that I’ll actually finish it.

I don’t want to take time away from my current UVG game or my attempts to learn to speak (and write) French though.

A old colour drawing of an ugly cat baring its teeth (a caracal)

AAR: What's in the DOME?

This continues a long-form campaign, Zen and the Art of Caravan Maintenance.

Emmett, Joshua, and Zalephona are now cattle ranchers, all seeking a quiet change in career for various reasons. They’re driving buggalo from Emerald City to the Porcelain Citadel. Or at least, in general. Currently they’re amusing themselves in Potsherd Crater to see what is going on. Hazel has promised them an autogolem, so there’s no rush to leave.

Time for some constructive pillaging!

A dungeon map of a cross-shaped building, with some secret rooms to the North

Learning to draw a dungeon

Thinking of trying the #dungeon23 thing. So I bought some Micron pens and am giving some dungeon drawing tutorials a go. Concept This is a church that has rooms available via doors from its wings. One is open, the other is a secret but can be deduced. Lessons I followed this tutorial. I’m not sure I’d bother tracing over with ink twice. I’m also learning I need to sketch more in pencil - can’t just be the room outlines, any furniture needs to go in too.

A technical numbered diagram of an unexplained swirly thing. It is round with an axle.

AAR: These are not the droids you're looking for

This continues a long-form campaign, Zen and the Art of Caravan Maintenance.

Emmett, Joshua, and Zalephona are now cattle ranchers, all seeking a quiet change in career for various reasons. They’re driving buggalo from Emerald City to the Porcelain Citadel. Having picked up Phonie in a grimy rest-stop on the Low Road and the High, the caravan proceeds to Potsherd Crater to deliver their mysterious cargo.

Now with a baby buggalo called Junior and a steppe hound called Rufus. Spoilers: Junior gets petted. 🤫

A violin and full mug of beer rest on a book titled CASH

AAR: A new friend

This continues a long-form campaign, Zen and the Art of Caravan Maintenance.

Joshua and Emmett are now cattle ranchers, both seeking a quiet change in career for various reasons. They’re driving buggalo from Emerald City to the Porcelain Citadel. Or at least they were, now they’re heading away from the Citadel, with a mysterious box, on the promise of a favour from the Matriarch of the Pine clan.

This week: a 🧙 joins the party.