I want to run Luka Rejec’s Ultraviolent Grasslands setting, but I thought it would be a laugh to try The Black Hack, as I also wanted to try that engine. I don’t really have a good reason1, beyond having bought both. And liking both!
I’m a sucker for a pointcrawl that one can wander around, ever since Elite. You had a little ship, a map, and off you go to make some money. Luka’s setting is on the ground, and more sciencefantasy, to borrow Troika!’s term. But it’s scratching that itch.
The good old days The Black Hack is me experimenting with a game engine that is simpler than 5e, and more complex than Into The Odd or Stay Frosty. It’s also another beautiful book. The engine removes stat bonuses in favour of having players roll under their base stats. Enemy attacks are also rolled by players, as defensive rolls, rather than the GM doing it. The GM still chooses the actions of the enemy combatants, though.